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Hey, everybody. I don't mean to mislead anyone. I am not in Egypt or England or anywhere else except in the heart depository, San Francisco. I have been back for more than 2 months, I think, and it's time to start updating this blog. I've had a lot of time to think about the things that I discovered about myself and the moments abroad that caused the catalysis in my life.
It's hard to write beyond the actual events that happened to me over there without it getting laborious, extremely personal, and probably dangerous for the government. (That is, the government of my soul, of which I am president for life, parole officer, and animal waste manager.) But I will endeavor to make a soulful account of the happenings in my life. I want to make it more interesting than a simple slideshow of the things that I saw, ate, and confronted with the five senses God gave me.
The vacation, I feel after all, is but a mirror of the journeys that we make on our own and in our souls. The stories are identical—tales of loneliness, happiness, sharing, caution, a taste for danger—what we do with our lives on the outside is merely our expression of our innermost desires and quests.
The experiences are parallel, for what happens to us out there and in the physical have an impact on our psyche, our souls, and the banks of our tales and wisdom processed and still to be mulled.
The person that actually goes on the journey on the outside is differentiated from the pilgrim who is moving through the less visceral aspects of life only on the level of censorship that we ourselves institute using the our physical bodies as barriers and masks to obscure full expression. Sometimes however, we censure even within, and no acreage ever gets covered substantially.
That said, it's time to start writing about what REALLY happened; to give meaning to a series of events that stretch not only from August 10th to September 11th (which are the dates of my departure and arrival on this particular vacation) but to life in general, using photos from the vacation as a seed that germinates and flowers with memories and insights into my life.